Facebook Marketing for construction

How to Promote your Construction Business through Facebook

Facebook is one of the most visited sites on the internet today. The app sees over a billion active users every single day! As such, it is literally a world of opportunity that delivers great results when harnessed correctly.

You may wonder, why does my construction company need to invest effort and resources on this social media? When it comes to advertising, there’s no better way to promote your construction business than through Facebook. The reason – your clients expect to see you there!

Many potential clients in the construction industry are actively spending time on social media. Recent trends show that about 64% of users choose to interact with companies that have a Facebook page.

It builds a certain level of trust and transparency that puts customers at ease. Personal interactions via Facebook make customers feel that they have connected with your brand in an individual and meaningful way. This makes promoting your business through Facebook one of the best marketing tools out there.

Promote your Construction Business using Facebook Advertising

Facebook ads for construction companies, though a paid service is one of the quickest ways to get your business out to clients. You can promote your business through Facebook Advertising very easily with the click of a few buttons. The Facebook Ads Manager is an easy to use tool that allows complete management of your ad campaign.

Here are the main steps involved in promoting your business through Facebook Advertising:

  • Identify the purpose of your ad.
  • Choose the target audience for your ad using the various options available.
  • Set a budget for your Facebook advertising campaign. This is the total price you agree to spend on a daily basis or for a particular campaign period.
  • Design your ad using the ad manager tool.
  • Finalize your budget and bid amount to enter the ad auction. This auction decides which ads are shown to which user. The auction runs millions of times a day, with your ad appearing to the people most interested in viewing it.
  • Review your ad’s performance using the diagnostics tool on Facebook. This allows you to see if your ad was displayed to relevant users.

The advertising tool available when you promote your business through Facebook is very flexible. Everything you set can be edited or removed at any time.

  • You can edit your daily budget or increase your bid if you feel it’s required.
  • You can choose to stop displaying a particular ad or increase its occurrence as needed.
  • Facebook also allows you to customize your ad completely. You decide exactly how it appears, including color, images, text, and layouts.
  • You can further customize your ad by choosing your target audience. Demographics, location, gender, age, mutual interest, are some factors to consider.

On the whole, you don’t require much expertise to create and manage ads when promoting your business through Facebook Advertising.

How to set the right budget for your Facebook Advertising campaign

how to promote your business through facebook

Facebook Advertising allows you to boost posts about your construction business to a wider audience. However, to use this tool right, you need to identify the optimal amount of advertising required.

This is where the budget comes into play when you promote your business through Facebook. Setting the right budget makes your ads appear to the right people, the right number of times.

On the whole, setting your budget when promoting your business through Facebook comes down to two things –

  • The type of construction business you have
  • The size of your construction business

Large-scale businesses normally allot a greater amount for advertising budgets. If you own a large construction business, you can test out different budget combinations.

This is for promoting your business through Facebook. You can then optimize them accordingly. For small-scale businesses, it’s important to remember that you often target a demographic in your local community. This means that other businesses in the area are also looking to attract the same set of customers.

This is where the budget and quality of your ad become a crucial aspect. Furthermore, there are two types of budgets you can set with Facebook advertising.

  1. Daily Budgets – this is the amount you wish to spend on an ad campaign for any given day.
  2. Lifetime Budgets – this is the amount you want to use throughout all the ad campaigns you run on Facebook for a set period of time.

Understanding which type of budget to use again comes down to your business type and size. When you run Facebook ads for construction companies, you are charged whenever your ad is shown to a user.

Utilize the detailed analytics offered by the Ads Manager to check if you’re getting the results you want. If not, it’s time to tailor it or start over with a new ad.

Free options to promote your business through Facebook

construction facebook ads

Facebook, one of the most widely used apps today, provides numerous opportunities to boost your business even without paid advertising. With over two billion users on Facebook every month, you can reach any kind of audience you’re looking for.

Promoting your construction business through Facebook for free requires the investment of time and effort on your part. However, once you set things in place, the rewards that it brings are well worth the effort.

Here are some ideas and tips to get you started.

  • Create your Facebook page – if you don’t already have a page for your business, its high time you created one. The process is fairly straightforward and doesn’t take up too much time.
  • Establish your brand – put up your company information to highlight your brand to anyone who visits your page. Add fresh content on the ‘about’ section to inform people about what your company does and how it’s different from others out there.
  • Join Facebook Groups – Facebook offers numerous groups dedicated to different industries and interests. Once you have your page in place, do a search to identify similar groups that your business can interact with. Involve in the discussions taking place and provide your insights as a construction business.
  • Invite your Facebook network to share your company’s posts – you may already have a personal account on Facebook. If yes, spread the word among your friends, employees, partners, and others to share the posts on your page. This includes links to your site, the latest blog post, or simply an update about your business.

Using Facebook, you should be able to interact with more people who contribute to building your business. Use the tips above to start promoting your business through Facebook. Set aside time every day to work on your posts and discussions.

What should your business Facebook page profile contain?

Many potential clients today use Facebook as a tool to learn more about businesses they want to partner with. A quick search on Facebook provides an insight into the business and allows them to make quick decisions too.

Therefore, keeping your profile appealing and up-to-date is essential for that first impression when promoting your business through Facebook.

Here’s a list of what you should have on your profile at any given point.

  • Image and header – your company logo is a great way to brand your page. Also, add a relevant header image that showcases what your construction business is all about.
  • Company description – keep it short, keep it real, and make sure it conveys your core business values.
  • Links – add links to your website and blogs, if any. This helps drive traffic to your site and also provides additional information about the company.
  • Contact information – make sure these details are up-to-date and readily available to anyone who wants to reach out. This includes address, phone, email, and working hours.
  • Story – provide a brief story about your company that invokes interest and boosts your brand.

Remember, this part of your Facebook page is what potential customers look at first. Make sure they like what they see and you are on your way to getting their business.

How to build up a following for your Facebook page

facebook construction marketing ideas

Establishing a genuine audience base is a crucial aspect to get your Facebook page delivering its best. When promoting your business through Facebook, the higher the number of subscribers, the more your business can potentially grow.

Getting people to like and subscribe to your page can become a difficult task. Fortunately, we have some great tips to get you started in the right direction.

First and foremost, start inviting people you already know. If you have a personal Facebook account, this becomes easier.

Send out invitations to your friends’ list to like and visit your page. If even half of them actually come back and like your page, that’s a great start in itself.

Make sure you personalize the invites and not just send the standard text that comes with the ‘share’ option. Next, invite all current customers to like and subscribe to your page.

They are already working with you and know how great you are! So, this should be quite easy. Send out emails telling them you’re on Facebook or connect directly via Facebook itself.

Now, it goes without saying that your employees are obligated to promote the business they’re working for! Their friend circles and acquaintances are the next set of people you get to subscribe to your page.

At this point, you already have quite a decent number of followers. The next step is where you put in more effort – networking. As mentioned before, join groups, interact on other posts and discussions, and get your voice out there.

This is the best way to promote your business through Facebook by connecting with people not in your circle. Be honest in your interactions and be helpful in any way you can. You’ll soon see those numbers grow and multiply.

What type of content should you post using your Facebook page?

Now that you have your page all set up and ready to go, let’s focus on what you should post. It’s important to understand that whatever you post on your company’s page reflects on the actual work you do.

Anything that goes on the page should be genuine, beneficial to users, and contain a value for your business. Let’s look at some types of content you can post on your Facebook page.

  • Share expert advice – stand out from other construction businesses by sharing useful information on relevant topics. For instance, you can feature a how-to series on the best ways to install concrete. Post pieces on tips, answer FAQs, or describe the way your business handles certain hurdles, etc.
  • Personalize your story – as a construction business, you would have encountered instances where you had to create workarounds or innovative solutions to tackle problems. Use these stories to build a more personalized experience among users. It makes your business real and people remember ‘real’ stories.
  • Show off your projects – past work is a great way to show potential customers what your business is capable of. Get some great pictures of previous, complex projects you have done. Put them together with an attractive description of the job and post it.
  • Post visuals – studies show that people retain more when exposed to visual stimuli than what they read or hear. Don’t hesitate to post pictures about a beautiful building you completed or a video about your current work-in-progress.
  • Run competitions – this is one of the best ways to build interest in your page. You can put up a contest to find the best home improvements made and reward the best response. Sharing things like this gets people excited and builds popularity for your brand in the process.

Ready to begin your foray into the Facebook ads for construction companies?

Creating fruitful relationships between a business and its audience is one of the main advantages of marketing via social media. Make use of this advantage today and take your construction business to greater heights by promoting your business through Facebook.

In conclusion, the sheer size of Facebook’s reach is enough to derive a lot out of interactions with users. Expanding your reach has never been easier than with this social media application. Use it smartly, use it right, and your construction business will soon find itself scaling up like never before.

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