
Social Media Marketing for Construction Companies

Improve your construction business with focused Social Media Marketing. Reach your audience, increase brand visibility,
and grow in the competitive construction industry.

Social Media Marketing is the norm today!

Before social media marketing, outbound marketing dominated the construction industry. Newspapers, direct mail, radio, and TV were filled with ads. Now, social media marketing has changed advertising. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest are used to engage the target audience with short, exciting information and infographics. This helps the construction industry share expertise and connect with customers, leading to increased reach and interaction.

Customers want resources to help them choose one brand over another. Social media posts should add value to the brand by appealing to customers’ visual and emotional senses. When used effectively, social media can generate leads and increase sales. The number of social network users and mobile devices is growing rapidly, highlighting the importance of using social media marketing for construction companies. 

Today’s customers are tech-savvy and look for product information online. Customers have control over when and how they receive messages. Social media is the best platform to deliver relevant and interesting content to customers.

social media marketing for construction companies

How to effectively use social media?

social media marketing for construction industry

It’s important to choose the right channels by identifying the best ones for social interactions with customers. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn are used extensively by today’s generation and those are good places to start from.

Facebook fans can access and share content, view company ads and engage strongly with your blogs and posts. Twitter is an excellent place to share important bits of short information and also engage with visitors and customers at events. LinkedIn is a good platform to connect with others in the construction industry and share updates.

You can also network with colleagues and draw attention to vacancies in the company. Lend a personal touch- ask your customers about their preferred social channels for interaction. Post videos on YouTube and Vimeo- these have great visual appeal and tend to extend your company’s outreach. 

Answering customer questions and guiding them to helpful websites will increase your company’s credibility. Listening to customers and providing information builds trust. To use social media effectively, construction companies should share 40% industry-related content, 40% customer interaction, and 20% company promotion.

Frequently updated content is the key

Look for a schedule that works for you and guarantees high engagement rates and stick to that. Post regularly at those times and mix up content so that it interests, entertains and sustains. Focus on keywords that your targeted audience might use when they initiate queries.

Up the ante of your brand and give your competitors something to think about. Showcase ongoing and completed projects and visual media. Mention awards won, post critical reviews and mention note-worthy features in local journals.

Social media is an excellent medium to engage, promote, share and create a well-knit community of users. It, therefore, pays to use the channels well and truly. Social media marketing offers a great opportunity to highlight the personality of your company and share customer stories.

social media for construction companies
Construction digital marketing agency

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Social media marketing for Construction Companies

social media marketing for construction

Social media is a great marketing tool for contractors. It’s a good way to test marketing campaigns and influences consumer buying habits. People of all ages use social media, and it’s a smart tactic for marketing. 

Social media referrals often lead to purchases and it’s free to use. Contractors can track and measure the success of their campaigns, which helps them improve their efforts. They can also identify their top competitors and analyze their performance.

Moreover, it’s a great platform that allows clients and contractors to interact freely and build lasting relationships. The result is creating better brand awareness about your company and increasing ‘informational outreach’ to a newer audience. 

By engaging with customers and posting good, relevant content, contractors open up the doors of communication and engagement. Personal interaction helps build a rapport with customers and this connect makes them feel special. The offshoot is customer loyalty, customer retention, and customer base expansion. 

Social media help contractors showcase their offerings and let the targeted audience know how good they are at their job. Pinterest, which focuses on photos and images helps contractors pin their images so that more people can see them. This certainly helps to get more customers.

Boost your social media efforts for Construction Companies

A good way to up the ante on your social media efforts is to keep track of thought leaders in the industry. Sharing posts with them, liking their posts, and interacting on social media helps attract attention to your brand. 

In the long run, they may well decide to share all or some of your content on social media with their followers.

This could well translate into good exposure for the construction company and its particular brand. Social media marketing is not a magic wand but a concept that guarantees success, provided you do it right.

social media construction industry

About Us

A Trusted Construction Marketing Agency in Australia. We offer digital marketing services for construction companies, like create website, marketing strategies, organic seo, google  advertising and unique brand identities for businesses so that they can connect with target audiences and close more business.

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St Martins Tower, Level 27, 44 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000 Australia

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